Smart Security Systems Make Home Automation Easier Than Ever

If you have been considering smart home automation, but not yet taken the leap, you may want to consider using a Security System as your platform to get started. Smart Security Systems are making Home Automation easier than ever. Not only is a security-based solution cost-effective, but it is also flexible, scalable and comes with the added benefit of protecting your home and all the new gadgets it may contain.
Selecting the Right Home Automation System
There are a lot of options to choose from when shopping for Smart Home Security. Various DIY options can be purchased in retail stores or ordered online. These solutions can be a good fit for hands-on homeowners who get excited about electronics and love to take on a new project. Your DIY system may or may not come with service or monitoring options that fit your needs. There is also the option to partner with a professional security provider. A certified security provider will most often provide a free consultation, professional installation, reliable monitoring, and a service or warranty plan to back up your system. This type of purchase is almost always accompanied by a monitoring contract, so you will want to research your prospective providers before signing any long term agreements.
Smart Home Security Systems come equipped with an automation module that allows you to easily integrate compatible devices. The protocol used by your panel might be Z-Wave Home Control, Zigby or something similar. You will want to be sure that any automation devices you purchase are compatible with your Smart Security System. There are some limitations on the number and type of devices that can be added to each system. Although these limitations are generous, and shouldn’t prohibit many projects, you may want to double-check the capacity for your system.
Automated Device Options
Automation devices can include lights, door locks, thermostats, blinds, and even smart garage door openers. Automation Devices can be controlled individually from your smartphone on-demand or can be set up to execute complex rules based on triggers. Innovative companies, such as, make it simple to control all of your automation devices and security (and video) from a single app.
Comfort and Convenience
There is no question that Home Automation increases your comfort and convenience. In cities like Edmonton, where winter gets awfully cold, it is great to have your thermostat automatically start warming the house up when you are getting close to home. If you have guests coming over, and they arrive before you get home, you can use your phone to unlock the door and let them wait for you inside. Going on holidays? It is easy to set up your lights on an automated schedule (that looks random) so it appears you are still at home. There are countless way that automation can be used to enhance your lifestyle.
Increase in Safety
One thing that you may not have considered is how Home Automation also increases your safety. Set up lights to turn on when you disarm the security system, and never come home to a dark house. Set doors to unlock and lights to come on if a fire is detected so you can find your way to safety. Turn on reminders so you get a text when the house is left unarmed, making sure your home is always protected – even if you leave in a hurry and forget to arm the system on your way out.
Home Automation is easy when you start with a Smart Security System. You can add one device, two devices, or even 200. You can play and explore and find the combinations that will bring value to you and your home. Contact Us Today for more pricing information.